Energy testing, also known as muscle testing, is a simple,
non-invasive way of evaluating the body’s imbalances and assessing its needs.
It involves testing the body’s responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle,
to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies,
and food sensitivities, among other things. It can also be used to test the body’s responses to herbs and other remedies.
In a typical example of muscle testing, you’re given an herb to hold.
You extend the other arm and are asked to keep it straight.
The practitioner presses down on this arm and the opposite shoulder with equal pressure (to facilitate balance).
If the herb is something you need, you’ll be able to resist the downward pressure and hold your arm rigid.
If not, you won’t. The same procedure can be used to determine how often you should take each herb and how much each time.
It can also be used to test the body’s responses to foods (for allergies), thoughts, sounds, colors, and emotions.
Lisa Weed performing an Energy Test or Muscle Test